9th October 2022 || Breaking up the Labels by Pst. Josephat Karanja || Called Out Series

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Labels on a fabric gives information.

Lables when used to classify humans connotes negativity: Are innaccurate and restrictive.

Believers have an identity in Christ:

But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; who once were not a people but are now the people of God, who had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy (I Peter 2: 9- 10 NKJV).

The blessings of the Lord breaks the labels and helps us serve Him.

In Genesis 26: 12- 22 we read about the account of Isaac in the valley as he settled down. He dug several wells but disputes arose with the neighbours over ownership. He labeled the disputed wells Querrels and Hostility due to what happened there.

He finally dug a well with no dispute which he called Rehoboth- meaning The Lord has made us room/space.

1. We need blessings of the Lord to break the labels

Often we put labels in God’s work and shy away from it. We are called to join others in God’s work.

2. Faith breaks the labels (Luke 8: 45-48)

The story of the woman with a blood issue. It’s by faith that she boldly and deliberately stretched herself to touch the hem of Jesus to get healing (Luke 8: 45…).

She couldn’t remain in her label. It took courage to break free.

And He said to her, “Daughter, be of good cheer; your faith has made you well. Go in peace.” (Luke 8:48 NKJV).

To break lables you must be deliberate

3. We need to break legitimacy of labels

Some labels may appear legitimate or justified yet they can be broken.

Blind Bartimaeus position had been legitimised. He was tagged as a begger. He wore a cloak to signify his status and this gave him permission to beg on the streets. These were labels.

On knowing Jesus was passing by, he was deliberate to change his situation. He called on Christ for healing despite the discouragement from the congregation (See Mark 10: 46-50).

He threw away the cloak (label) that was a license to beg. He went to Jesus calling him ‘My Rabbi…’ to have a personal relationship that broke the label of a begger.

Names can confer labels on people.

Spiritual blindness- It is not about sight but blindness in the mind.

We need to desire to be sons of God.

4. Prayer breaks up the labels

We see account of Jabez in 2 Chronicles 4: 9. He was called Jabez- due to a painful birth. He prayed for God’s blessings to break the bondage due to the meaning of his name. God answered his prayer.

Take away message:

Do not demean your capabilities. Do not identify yourself with negativity. Do not harbour a defeatist attitude.

– Always confess:

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Philippians 4:13 NKJV)

– Seek God’s blessings in prayer

– Proclaim God’s power and identity.

– Shake off the labels.

God bless


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