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John 17: 20- 26

Jesus prayed the above prayer for future believers (you and I)

Key highlights:

  1. Vs 21- that they may be one just like He and the Father are one
  2. Vs 23- that the world may believe that God sent Him
  3. Vs 24- That they may be with Him where He is and behold His glory

I will expound on these three areas of the believers’ unity

  1. United in faith- (our common faith).

The believer’s unity is based on their individual unity with Christ, John 15: 5– Jesus is the true vine and we are the branches. Each branch living in union with the vine is united with all other branches doing the same.

Rom 11.17- We have been grafted into the Olive tree, drawing life from the roots and are partakers of its fatness. WE BELONG TOGETHER- branches of the same tree. We are intricately attached to each other.

  1. United in service (common mission)

John 17:23- Jesus prayed that the world may get to know Him. He therefore gave the great commission to His disciples and us. Mark 16.15, Acts 1.8. The great commission is for everyone. The early church understood this very well/ had clarity of purpose. They did not relegate this to a few people but everyone was doing something

eg Peter stood out and his ministry was very visible yet we had not too visible (undercover) ministries like that of Barnabas Acts 4:36- Son of Encouragement, others were waiting on tables Acts 6:3 (yet the expectations for them were very high- good reputation, full of the Spirit and wisdom) Phillip was sent on one-on-one ministry (Acts 8.26). There was work for everyone just as it is today so as to fulfil the great commission,

It is here that diverse giftings come to play 1 Pet 4:10- use our gifts to minister to one another. Different gifts- same mission. WE SERVE TOGETHER

  1. United in destiny (Common destiny/ inheritance)

John 17: 24 That they may be with Him where He is and behold His glory

John 14: 1-3- Do not let your hearts be troubled…. I go to prepare a place for you so where I Am you may also be.

1Peter 1: 3-4 We are called to a living hope, to an inheritance, incorruptible, undefiled, does not fade away reserved for us in heaven

Rom 8: 17- We are heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ

Together as believer/s we have received God’s best- His son, the Holy spirit, forgiveness of sins and eternal life, TOGETHER FOREVER


We have a lot going on among us.

Jesus is at the Center of our relationships that start here on earth and continue through eternity.

Be blessed.

