Membley Baptist Church | RECONCILIATION By Rev. Benson Kuira | 27th Feb 2022

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Ruth 1: 1-22


– It is restoration of friendly relationship.

– It is the end of a disagreement or conflict with someone and a start of a good relationship with the person.

We have learnt that bitterness comes from real or imaginary issues.

Genesis 34: An account of Dinah and Shechem. It all started with a crime- Shechem abuse of Dinah. A real issue. This caused bitterness in Dinah’s brothers that led to murder of Shechem and his family.

When aggrieved by a real issue, one tends to justify need for revenge. But revenge causes more regrettable actions.

At all times one needs to be conscious and ask themselves:

Where am I at in the spiral of bitterness? Am I at the:

– Offended

– Frustrated

– Hurt

– Resentful- external

– Grudge- hateful

– Embittered

At embittered stage, rational goes out of the window. It pushes you to revenge.

Forgiveness does not mean letting go evil deeds. If it is a criminal offence, take legal action. Report to authorities for action to be taken to safeguard self and others.

Do not justify crime or evil behavior. Condoning evil can not be sustained.

Naomi’s story in Ruth 1: 1-22 on the other hand presents an imaginary offense.

Naomi means beauty, pleasant one. But due to her pain she referred to herself as Mara- the bitter one!

When we go through pain and bitterness:

– We lose perspective and hope

– Self pity and low self esteem creeps in

– We view of God as unfair

– Makes us see circumstances as punishment

– Cause us to have anger against God and blame Him

God reminds us not to rely on self or people but Him:

Thus says the Lord: “Cursed is the man who trusts in man And makes flesh his strength, Whose heart departs from the Lord (Jeremiah 17:5 NKJV)

Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me.” (Psalms 50:15 NKJV).

Take home message:

  1. Situation happen in our lives so that good comes out of such.
  2. We are encouraged to see deliverance and victory through the pain.
  3. Refusing to forgive is a sin. Forgiveness releases pain from self and sets us free
  4. Pray with the person who hurt you. Prayer breaks us down to reconciliation
  5. Ask God for trust in the sovereign power, hope and love
  6. Forgive yourself- Ask God to forgive you for the anger you have with self.

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28 NKJV)

Thank you Lord for setting us free from the spirit of bitterness.

