An Enabling Power

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Christ is keen to let the disciples know that it would be short but they would receive power. Jesus emphasized the need for the disciples to remain in Jerusalem for the promise of the father the Holy Spirit.

It’s in the waiting that the disciples engaged in prayer seeking the face of God over the next direction in their life.

In Acts 3 the disciples are moving to the temple in the hour of prayer and encounter the beggar who had been at the gate for a long time.

Their engagement with the beggar demonstrated God power at work in the life of the church, further Gods power is demonstrated in the cutting sermon that Peter gives on account of the man’s healing.

The church in the modern time need to be concerned with the Power of God; The power that raised Christ from the Dead (Ephesians 1:19-20), the power of God unto salvation (Romans 1:16), the power of God to us who are being saved (1 Corinthians 1:18).God has demonstrated his power to us through his son Jesus Christ.

We must tap into Gods power to reach out to a lost world, a hurting world. Men and women will only admire and appreciate the nice programs in our places of worship, but if devoid of Gods power there can never be transformation.

For us to operate effectively as Christians we must:

  • Live and walk a life of Prayer –Acts 1:14
  • Point everyone to Christ and not us. vs 4
  • Exercise the Authority and Power that comes in believing Christ Chap 3vs 4-6
  • Praise God and give Him all the glory –vs 12 and 16.

God of power



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