Exodus 2

Exodus 2:1-10

Israel’s oppression from their previous neighbors is getting tougher to bare and the people cry out to the LORD for deliverance and he heard their cry. Exodus 3:9. Look! The cry of the people of Israel has reached me, and I have seen how harshly the Egyptians abuse them.

The lord begun preparing a way for the deliverance to happen by the birth of Moses. This birth was not without challenges but God provided a way. Moses was hidden in the river by the mother and later rescued by Pharaohs daughter.

He mother had faith that her actions would yield something good. She did not wait for Moses to be found and killed by the Egyptians. We must also learn to play our part in whatever situation and trust God for the outcome.

The Lord did more than just rescue Moses, he made sure he was brought up as prince and exposed to the best of everything. Are you afraid of taking chances because the situation looks hopeless? Faith in God frees us from our inhibitions and fears it is the ability to jump where we cannot see.

Stay focused and committed to what is expected of you and let God deal with the rest.

Wordsworth put it like this:

Though the mills of God grind slowly;
Yet they grind exceeding small;
Though with patience he stands waiting,
With exactness grinds he all


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