Experiencing God’s Grace

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We continue with our theme of the year DIVINE ENABLEMENT which is also referred to the year of God’s Grace.

There are two kinds of grace;-

i) The unmerited favor of God – God’s love for the undeserved, it is by this grace we are saved Ephesians 2:8 and Romans 5:8

ii) The second type of grace is the Divine Enablement – This word grace is translated from the Greek word charis which not only means “unmerited favor,” but really carries the deeper meaning of “an influence that produces a result.” Thus, grace is not merely the kindness of God in doing something for us which we have not deserved, but it is the essence, the energy, the power and working wrought within as HE DOES for us, to us, in us, and through us! God’s grace, divine grace, then, is DIVINE ENABLEMENT

As believers sometimes we go through a lot of challenges in life. Things like sickness, bereavement, financial challenges, marital challenges etc…..

My question today is how can we have the right attitude even when we are going through challenges in life?

Apostle Peter encourages the early Church even when they were going through suffering that God promised to restore them, strengthen them, make them firm and steadfast.


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