Living the Grace-filled life

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1Peter 2:9-10, 1John1:5-10, Titus 2:11-14(NKJV), 2Peter2:8-9.

For most people, Grace is the short prayer we pray before meals. Yet scripture shows that “grace,” a gift to us from God that has the power to radically transform our lives. Grace is unearned, undeserved, unmerited favor from God, and it’s a part of His personality. Grace finds its fullness in Jesus Christ.

Life is about choices. God gives us choices as to how we live our lives. We can choose to take advantage of the Grace that is revealed and let Him give us victory, abundant life, and salvation. Today’s sermon will explore the following areas:

  1. The Grace-filled life is a life with boundaries.

  2. The Grace-filled life is a life of Forgiveness.

  3. The Grace-filled life awaits His coming.

A man’s choices are determined by what he lives for and the very essence of “Grace-Filled Living is captured in what you are living for.

It’s not just being dead to sin but being alive for God. Not just saying no sin but saying Yes to God. Not just receiving forgiveness but giving it as well. Living a Grace-filled life goes beyond a funeral service for the old nature to celebrating a birthday party for the new life in Christ.

Indeed, if any man is in Christ, he is a new person.

Like the Apostle Paul you can choose to partner with God by “walkinginnewness of life” (Rom. 6:4).


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