The Ministry Of Love

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“1Therefore, since through God’s mercy we have this ministry, we do not lose heart………7But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.” 2 Cor 4:1,7

God created us for a purpose so that we may be stewards of all he created. Stewards of love, mercy, and peace. In each of us, he has deposited a treasure of His goodness and love. Nothing of what we deserve but because of his unfailing love.

The ministry in us is to live in Him and share with others the grace so freely advanced to us.

The ministry to us is as described in three things that he calls us to use for His glory and in His Lordship: Time, Talent, and Treasure. Whether Christ is Lord is determined by who determines how we use these three.

Is Christ Lord of your time? Is Christ Lord of your talent, energy, and gifts? Is Christ Lord of your resources, especially assets and money?

Are your talent, time, and treasure being applied to share God’s love with my neighbor at home, work, business, etc.? God’s call to you and I are to minister to one another out of mercy. Have I? Have you? Or have lost heart for a lost generation. Do we go about uninvolved and undisturbed by the perishing of others? God be our help as we choose to engage in the ministry of love through His all-surpassing power.



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