40 Days Prayer & Fasting


“However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting”.
Matthew 17:21 NKJV

As individuals we have needs to present to God, be it being set free from
any bondage, to seeking a deeper walk with God, as family units we have a
cry to God over various family concerns such as reconciliation, breaking
ungodly patterns in our families, as a church we need Gods intervention
over the affairs of the Church , projects , ministry and most of all His continual presence and ministering to His people.
As a Nation tragedies in our schools through arson have discouraged families, attack by terrorists, political tensions, a decline in economic growth,
inflation, conflict and lack of regard for each other among the leaders. We
are persuaded that our God is able to bring a change aligned to His perfect will over the affairs of this Nation. Our duty is to fast and pray.

Why 40 Days?

Jesus fasted in the wilderness for 40 days, the number 40 also represents a
period of testing or trial. Moses was in mount Sinai for 40 days receiving
the commandments. The number 40 can also represent the generation of
a man.

Why Fast and Pray?

We thank God for His faithfulness, truly thus far the Lord has brought us
as a church and we recognize His goodness and abundant grace.

In the Gospel of Matthew 17 and Mark 9, Jesus with James, Peter and John go to
the mount of transfiguration leaving behind the other disciples at the foot
of the mount. In the mean time a father brings a son needing healing. The
disciples are not able (Matthew 17:16) to cure him. Frustrated when he
sees Jesus he reports the matter. Jesus rebukes rebukes the demon and the
child is healed . Later the disciples came to Jesus privately and asked why
they would not heal him, Jesus answered ; “So Jesus said to them, “Because
of your unbelief; for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard
seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will
move; and nothing will be impossible for you. 21 However, this kind does
not go out except by prayer and fasting.” Matthew 17:20-21

When we fast and pray God performs miracles

A Call to Fast & Pray

14 Consecrate a fast,
Call a sacred assembly;
Gather the elders
And all the inhabitants of the land
Into the house of the Lord your God,
And cry out to the Lord.
15 Alas for the day!
For the day of the Lord is at hand;
It shall come as destruction from the Almighty.
16 Is not the food cut off before our eyes,
Joy and gladness from the house of our God?
Joel 1:14-16

NOTE: A copy of the prayer schedule is available here for download

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